The Northern New Jersey Community Foundation announces its support of the Hasbrouck Heights Green Team with a fiscal sponsorship. The grassroots green team based in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey undertakes a mission to increase public engagement and awareness of local environmental issues by bringing together residents to create a more sustainable community.
“As a resident of Hasbrouck Heights, I am thrilled to be in a position to support the Hasbrouck Heights Green Team with a fiscal sponsorship to further their mission. Working together, we build more resilient communities, beautify our neighborhoods, and grow towards our aligned goals of environmental sustainability and resiliency,” said Mary Blanusa, Executive Director, Northern New Jersey Community Foundation.
“The Hasbrouck Heights Green Team is excited for our partnership with NNJCF! By achieving an official nonprofit status, we will be able to apply for grants to bring money and programs to Hasbrouck Heights. This will further our mission to beautify the borough, expand environmental volunteerism and better inform our residents on environmental issues,” said Amanda Reppond, a member of the Hasbrouck Heights Green Team.
Hasbrouck Heights Green Team members, Linda Byrne and Amanda Reppond, provided resource information to the public at the Hasbrouck Heights Street Fair in the municipality on June 5, 2022.
Fiscal Sponsorship Meets a Need
The Northern New Jersey Community Foundation provides fiscal sponsorships to emerging community-based organizations like the Hasbrouck Heights Green Team. These organizations address gaps in local services. Furthermore, fiscal sponsorships have been provided to several organizations. These include Bergen County LGBTQ+ Alliance, Cliffside Park Arts Association, and Creative Placemaking Communities. These sponsorships build the capacity of emerging leaders. They also expand the regional nonprofit ecosystem.
With the NNJCF’s fiscal sponsorship, community based groups operate as a nonprofit program under the foundation’s umbrella. The foundation provides a range of services to these emerging community leaders. These services include capacity building, networking, and administrative support. They also work locally to design, implement, and grow programs meeting local needs. Furthermore, fiscal sponsorship opportunities are provided to organizations with clear programmatic objectives and a defined leadership team. They must also have a mission aligned to NNJCF’s priority areas, particularly the Arts and Environment.
For further information about the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, contact or call 201-568-5608. Find more information about the Hasbrouck Heights Green Team on its website.
Donations on behalf of the Hasbrouck Heights Green Team may be made on the NNJCF’s website.The NNJCF also welcomes donations by check. Make out checks to ‘The Northern NJ Community Foundation’. Enter ‘Hasbrouck Heights Green Team’ in the memo line. Send checks to the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, 1 University Plaza, Suite 128, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601. Donations to the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation are tax-deductible, as permissible by law.