The Northern New Jersey Community Foundation partnered recently with the Bergen Volunteer Center to address the needs of displaced and homeless veterans. At the Foundation’s ArtsBergen initiative’s third Connect the Dots networking event, artists, arts administrators, writers, business owners and community and municipal leaders throughout the region met at Flat Rock Brook Nature Center in Englewood to learn how public art enhances communities and collected toiletry items and writing supplies for female and male veterans in Bergen County.
The collection was part of the NNJCF’s mission to promote cooperation and civic engagement in the community among nonprofit organizations and individuals to address pressing issues and concerns. “The NNJCF continually asks, ‘What can we accomplish together that we cannot do alone?’ The contributions that were gathered to aid
veterans in Bergen County demonstrate the Foundation’s collaborative purpose to bring together local community based organizations to meet the needs in the area,” said Michael Shannon, President, NNJCF.
Diverse products were donated, including oral care items, deodorant, liquid body wash, sunscreen, disposable razors, shaving gel, and new summer T-shirts, among others. Small writing supplies, such as pens, pencils, and note pads were also collected. The items were distributed at the Bergen Volunteer Center’s Veterans Resource Fair held in Hackensack.
“Our first Veterans Resource Fair was extremely successful and a true partnership among a government agency (Bureau of Veterans Services), non-profits including the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation’s generous support with a donation of much needed items, local corporations, and a Girl Scout Gold Award candidate. The veterans that joined us appreciated the concern and care extended to them. This was one of the most uplifting events I have worked on in my ten years with the Bergen Volunteer Center, and I plan to make this program an annual opportunity,” said Deborah Francis Emery, Director, Community Engagement, Bergen Volunteer Center.
For further information about upcoming Connect the Dots events, volunteer opportunities or other community engagement projects at the NNJCF, call 201-568-5608 or send an to