Join us in this free and public gathering to learn more about how the Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice project can help communities in Central Hackensack. We will explore:
*How green infrastructure can help reduce future flooding and beautify places
*Environmental justice, and how it can be used to protect vulnerable communities from environmental problems
*Other strategies to reduce flooding
*How you can get involved with this project and become an environmental leader in Hackensack
The meeting will be at Second Reformed Church, 436 Union Street in Hackensack. Light refreshments will be served.
After you register for this event, you will also get email updates about the project and other programming from the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation. You can unsubscribe from the updates at any time.
All donations for this event will be used to support the Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice project.
The Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice project is co-produced by Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, City of Hackensack and Greater Bergen Community Action, in partnership with Hackensack residents and representatives of several organizations in Hackensack. It is supported in part by The Funders Network, AARP, Valley Bank Foundation, M&T Bank Foundation, PSE&G Foundation, the Hackensack Rotary Club, and other supporters.
Questions about this event or the Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice project? Please contact Northern New Jersey Community Foundation Executive Director Leonardo Vazquez at or 201-568-5608, x2.