The Northern New Jersey Community Foundation (NNJCF) invites the public to attend the second community meeting of the Environmental Justice Alliance on Monday, January 29 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The meeting takes place at The Second Reformed Church, located at 436 Union Street in Hackensack, New Jersey 07601, and is free-of-charge. This meeting follows an initial one held on November 27, 2023. The project seeks to reduce future flooding in Hackensack and make neighborhoods in the city greener and healthier.
Environmental Justice Alliance Community Meeting
During the second meeting, the Foundation’s agenda includes discussing actions the group plans to take this year to address flooding and increase green infrastructure in Hackensack. This also includes the installation of a rain garden in the city. A second action involves creating a green infrastructure plan. The NNJCF proposes to discuss the impact of recent flooding occurrences in the city. Furthermore, the Foundation plans to present another environmental initiative under development — Hackensack River Nation.
The Environmental Justice Alliance Community Meeting will discuss tools such as rain barrels and strategies to use to reduce flooding.
Participants in the meeting also learn how they can get involved with developing the rain garden or the green infrastructure plan. The NNJCF invites anyone living or working in Hackensack to attend and participate.
Light refreshments of snacks and soft drinks will also be served. People may register for the event here. For information, contact Executive Director Leonardo Vazquez, AICP/PP by e-mail or call 201-568-5608 ext. 2.
Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice
This community meeting is part of the Foundation’s Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice project. The project seeks to reduce flooding. In addition, the project plans to improve environmental conditions for residents in central Hackensack and in other parts of the city. Find more information about this project online.
The Northern New Jersey Community Foundation produces the project in partnership with the City of Hackensack and Greater Bergen Community Action. In addition, other partners include residents of Hackensack and representatives from several organizations in the city. The Funders Network, AARP, Valley Bank Foundation, and M&T Bank Foundation support the project in part. In addition, other donors include the PSEG Foundation, the Hackensack Rotary Club, and other supporters.